“Wabuke wrote that she had been trying to get the NBCC to ‘put out a simple statement that says Black Lives Matter and racism is bad for one week now’, but that their tactic had been a series of denials, attacks and delays. ‘I know that a narrative is now going to be created that by speaking up against the racism I experienced I am going to be painted as a bully. But ‘our silence will not protect us’, as Audre Lorde says,’ wrote Wabuke, who resigned from the board of the NBCC with immediate effect ‘because racism’. The organisation subsequently posted its full statement in support of Black Lives Matter, saying that Wabuke’s work was ‘essential’ in its creation, and ‘salut[ing] her work and recognis[ing] her devotion” to the NBCC.’” Because racism in publishing, and in every industry, is everywhere. “Amid the current COVID-19 crisis in Maharashtra, a mobile book house is in operation in Mumbai’s Sion area, which helps students to donate and take books for free. The initiative is by a group which calls itself the Sion Friends Circle has been welcomed by students, most of whom are unable to purchase books due to their unavailability in the market. ‘I gave this mobile store books of class 7 and took from them books for class 9. It is becoming very difficult for us to study as books are not available in the market, shops are shut,’ said a student.” Helpers. “Kristen Bell has been slammed for writing a children’s book that promotes being colorblind instead of recognizing actual people of different races and ethnicities. The book, The World Needs More Purple People, focuses on a “purple person” who ‘looks for similarities before differences.’”
- Celebrate! Differences! 2. Stop saying “I’m not racist you could be purple and I’d still like you.” 3. How many people were part of this process that no one stopped it?