—Abby Hargreaves —Christine Ro —Rey Rowland —Aurora Lydia Dominguez —Jamie Canavés —Rebecca Hussey —Nikki DeMarco —Sarah Rahman —Leah Rachel von Essen —Chris M. Arnone —Steph Auteri — Elizabeth Allen —Elisa Shoenberger —Susie Dumond —Ashley Holstrom —Stacey Megally —Summer Loomis —Christina M. Rau —Margaret Kingsbury —CJ Connor —Claire Handscombe —Mara Franzen —Sarah Nicolas —Megan Mabee —Annika Barranti Klein Hailey moves to Blackwood, to the dismay of her mother, to begin a journey that quickly turns almost deadly. She meets Ellis in the midst of a chaotic and terrifying transition. She’s not one for long-term relationships or large declarations of love. Ellis also isn’t looking for something concrete right now either. But the past has a way of finding itself into our present and feels as strong and familiar as these simply can’t be denied. Prior Affair is a story of discovery, true love, and embracing what seems scary, and resisting the urge to run even when it feels so right. In a time where I went through another reading slump that felt almost indefinite, this book was like a breath of fresh air and an excellent addition to the Night Shift universe. —Natalya Muncuff —Lyndsie Manusos —Danika Ellis —Anna Gooding-Call —Alison Doherty —Cassie Gutman —Jaime Herndon —Jess Plummer The book plays with a known premise, a question that is not new but it still moves us: maybe the world is nothing more than a computer simulation. Divided between three eras – the past, a present affected by the pandemic, and many years in the future – each era is occupied by the story of one main character, and each of whom have experienced something very strange and very similar. The reader is not only presented with the search to solve the mystery, but with the lives of very different individuals and lives. It is wonderfully written, and it plays with a lot of emotions. I know I was crying at the last turn of the page (and a few times in between). In the end, it invites us to question humanity and, with it, our own selves. —Carina Isabel Dias Marques Pereira —Rachel Brittain —Liberty Hardy