Aries (March 21–April 19)

While others are focused on family around the holidays, you’re going full steam ahead toward your career goals this month. Aries are competitive and determined; you won’t let anything get in your way. You can make great strides while others are distracted by celebrations. But time spent at work may cause your loved ones some frustration. Be sure to take a little time off in December to keep things peaceful at home. You might enjoy Children of Virtue and Vengeance (December 3, Henry Holt & Co.) by Tomi Adeyemi, the much anticipated sequel to Children of Blood and Bone. Magic has returned to the land of Orïsha, a place where it was long feared and attacked. Now, it may lead to a civil war, and Zélie must unite the maji to protect them from a hostile monarchy with powers of their own.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

This will be a trying holiday season for you, Taurus. Nothing brings you more pleasure than a delicious meal with your loved ones, but I’m sorry to say you won’t find the peace you seek. Your family will spend much of the month fighting and arguing, and your stubbornness will make it difficult to be a peacemaker. Things get better as the month draws to a close; make the most of the last week of December to put things right before the New Year. Read a transporting thriller, like A Madness of Sunshine (December 3, Berkley) by Nalini Singh. The beautiful coastal town of Golden Cove in New Zealand seems peaceful, but it has a dark secret. Eight years ago, a number of bodies went missing and the mystery was never solved. Now, when a young woman goes missing, could their troubles be back?

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Geminis will spend December trying to make others happy. You tend to be a bit of a people pleaser, and you want to make sure you’re on everyone’s good side as the year comes to a close. That may make it a busy month for you. Your natural charm will serve you well in this endeavor; you know how to impress at a holiday party. But between focusing on others, use your downtime to make sure you’re happy, too. I recommend Girl, Woman, Other (December 3, Grove Press) by Bernardine Evaristo. Told in 12 chapters by 12 different narrators, it explores what it means to be a black woman in modern Britain. The narrators share stories of family, friendship, and love in a way that celebrates unique identities through common experiences.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Communication trouble abounds in December for Cancers. The holidays always bring up a lot of feelings for you, and sometimes it’s hard to talk to your loved ones about your emotions. This may cause some tension at home, and potentially lead to some distractions at the office as well. Meditation and mindfulness may help you better work with your emotions. And be open with family about how you’re feeling to avoid disagreements. Check out weird science fiction like Dead Astronauts (December 3, MCD) by Jeff Vandermeer. In a post-apocalyptic universe ruled by a powerful biotech company, strangely engineered creatures have destroyed time and space. Now, three different beings choose to go up against the company to save their universe.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Holiday season brings many opportunities for socializing, and Leos love the spotlight at parties. That means you’re in for a fun month. Special events may also lead to romantic encounters for single Leos, or for bonding with significant others for those in relationships. But between all of the celebrating, work may slip through the cracks. Make sure you don’t forget any important deadlines or let any of your colleagues down. You might enjoy Blitzed (December 3, Berkley) by Alexa Martin. Professional football player Maxwell is used to getting everything (and everyone) he wants. But business-minded bar owner Brynn isn’t so easily impressed. Even though they obviously have chemistry, it’s going to take more than his usual charm to win her over.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

As someone who values organization and careful planning, you take the holidays very seriously. Between event planning, gift buying, and travel organizing, December will fly by. But don’t get so wrapped up in the details that you forget to have fun. You may meet wonderful new friends if you let loose this month, and single Virgos may find new love interests. Finances may also be iffy this month, so be careful with your spending. I recommend Dangerous Alliance: An Austentacious Romance (December 3, HarperTeen) by Jennieke Cohen. It’s a delightful historical romance written in the style of Jane Austen. Lady Victoria Aston must wed, and she turns to her favorite author to learn what she needs to find a husband. But accidents keep causing trouble in Lady Victoria’s search, and Austen’s novels may not have all the answers.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

For Libras, December is all about detoxifying your life. It’s time to get rid of anything (or anyone) in your life that’s making you unhappy. You value peace and good vibes, so it’s important that you take time at the end of the year to focus on those things. Spend this month building relationships with people that lift you up and cutting out people that push you down. And spread that magical Libra positivity! It’s holiday season, after all. Read inventive new sci-fi novel Reverie (December 3, Sourcebooks) by Ryan La Sala. When Kane wakes up half-dead in a river, he’s not sure how he got there and his memory is spotty. But as he gets back to normal life, things become not so normal. Strange scenes start materializing out of nowhere, and Kane must figure out how they’re connected.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

You’re in the money this month, Scorpio! Finances are strong in December, as your hard work earlier in the year is really paying off. This can be helpful for your holiday celebrations, but remember that others may not be so prosperous this month. Don’t make others feel bad by giving extravagant gifts. And consider spending some of your time and money to support a charity. It will help you find some holiday spirit! Check out The Dead Girls Club (December 10, Crooked Lane Books) by Damien Angelica Walters. As a kid, Heather was a part of a club of girls obsessed with scary stories both fantastical and real. But then her best friend died trying to find the mythical spirit of a vengeful witch. Now, Heather is a child psychologist, still keeping the secret of what really happened that night.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Your charm will take you far this month, Sagittarius. You have your choice of romantic interests, and so many people want you that your love life may be stressful in December. New partners and new friends may be found while away from home. As the biggest traveler in the zodiac, you love the holidays for the travel opportunities they bring. There may be some conflict among your family; try to be a peacemaker instead of an instigator. I recommend Africaville (December 10, Amistad) by Jeffrey Colvin. The Sebolt family has lived for a century in a small town in Nova Scotia settled by former slaves. Three generations of the family grow, learn, travel, and build their own lives. But no matter where they go, their journeys are forever touched by Africaville.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

You have expensive taste, and as the year comes to an end, you’re ready to treat yourself. It’s been a hectic few months and now you’re finally catching a break. December is a great time for little luxuries, so while gift shopping for loved ones, save some money for your own enjoyment. It’s also a great time to meet new people that can play a role in your life next year. Put yourself out there; you may be surprised at who you find. Read glamorous historical fiction like The Glittering Hour (December 10, Thomas Dunne Books) by Iona Grey. In 1920s London, Selina is a “Bright Young Thing” running from one high society party to the next. When she encounters a penniless painter, she falls head-over-heels. But can they overcome the difference in their status and backgrounds?

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

You’re prone to dwelling on the past in December. As the new year looms ahead, you can’t stop thinking about the ways you let yourself down this year. All of those negative thoughts may make you tired and irritable; it’s not a good way to live. Turn to your loved ones to help you find positivity; family can provide moral support and laughter. Take care of your health and get plenty of rest. Things will get better by the end of the month. Check out Such a Fun Age (December 31, G.P. Putnam’s Sons) by Kiley Reid. Alix is a wealthy white blogger. Emira is a black 25-year-old trying to figure out her life and struggling to pay the bills while working for Alix as a nanny. When a security guard accuses Emira of kidnapping Alix’s daughter, the fallout complicates their relationship beyond repair.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Pisces are focused on their end of year career goals this month. You want to feel successful and happy with your work. With your intuitive nature and emotional intelligence, you’re great at working with colleagues to get things done. But don’t forget about how your family can help your professional life as well. During holiday family time, don’t be afraid to ask for advice. And be sure to get some rest. You want to start 2020 at your best! Read Meg & Jo (December 3, Berkley) by Virginia Kantra, a modern retelling of Little Women. Jo is struggling to reach her career goals as a journalist in New York. Meg is raising daughters in the suburbs. When their mother’s illness brings them both back home for the holidays, they rediscover the meaning of family. Looking for more? Check out your September, October, and November horoscopes and book recommendations!

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